eGiamb - Consultoria Geoambiental, Lda.

eGiamb - Consultoria Geoambiental, Lda.
Address: Praça Quinta S. Francisco dos Matos, 4E 2825-159 CAPARICA
Date of establishment: 18-11-1998
Registered Capital: 40.000 €
Turnover: 1.122.678 € (2020)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 10 Graduates: 9 Other Technicians: 1
Board of Directors: Carlos Nunes da Costa
Maria de Fátima Borralho
Daniel Filipe Vendas
Directors: Carlos Nunes da Costa
Maria de Fátima Borralho
Daniel Filipe Vendas
Founded in 1998, eGiamb is focussed in supplying services regarding the interface between geology and environment and all engineering projects.
EGiamb provides services from simple insight reports to technical participation in complex multidisciplinary studies, whenever integrating geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology and environmental sciences reveals itself as a key element in assuring high quality in the development of projects, from the earlier stages of planning and design to the later stages of construction and exploitation.