LCW - Engenharia de Estruturas, S.A.

LCW - Engenharia de Estruturas, S.A.
Address: Rua João Saraiva, 32 1700-250 LISBOA
Date of establishment: 30-11-1994
Registered Capital: 402.915 €
Turnover: 2.020.000 € (2022)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 35 Graduates: 26 Other Technicians: 7 Administrative: 2
Board of Directors: Victor Barata, Civil Eng.
José Paulo Cruz, Civil Eng.
Jorge Sousa Cruz, Civil Eng.

Delegations in the world

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LCW Consult, S.A., is continuing the activities of engineering studies, designs and consultancy formerly performed by Lisconcebe, S.A., particularly in the areas of transport and hydraulics infrastructures, with its competencies grouped into: Structures, Communication links, Geotechnics and Hydraulics.