FASE - Estudos e Projectos, S.A.

FASE - Estudos e Projectos, S.A.
Address: Rua Manuel Pinto de Azevedo, 711 - 6º
4100-321 PORTO
Date of establishment: 05-02-1979
Registered Capital: 8.500.000 €
Turnover: 7.417.567 € (2019)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 104 Graduates: 73 Other Technicians: 21 Administrative: 10
Board of Directors: Manuel Quinaz Garcia Ferreira, CEO
José António Rocha de Almeida
Alfredo Campos Pereira da Costa
Directors: Cristina Vieira, Civil Eng.
Mª Antónia Cardoso, STI Eng.
Júlio Henriques, Civil Eng.
Luisa Santos, Civil Eng.
Paulo Mesquita, Civil Eng.
Pedro Maia, Civil Eng.
Santos Ferreira, Mech. Eng.

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